National Day of Mourning 2022


The National Day of Mourning is held on the fourth Thursday each year in November. It is also known as the historical myth, Thanksgiving.

In the show:
*Supporters of the Indian Child Welfare Act or ICWA rallied outside the Supreme Court after oral arguments were heard in the Brackeen v. Haaland case.
*Moses Brings Plenty is an actor and musician from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. He spoke about our deep traditional relationship to the Horse Nation on November 4 at the elders luncheon of the National Congress of American Indians.
*From Voices of Resistance: a Collective of Women Fighters hosted by Lucy Pagoada-Quesada and Andrea Vizeu (WBAI), a conversation about Brazil’s President elect Luis Inácio Lula da Silva.
*Bill Means, Lakota founder of the International Indian Treaty Council and long time American Indian Movement activist in conversation with Dennis Bernstein (Flashpoints, KPFA).
*From Pacifica Radio Archives, in remembrance of John Trudell, poet, actor, musician and a powerful speaker, spokesperson for the United Indians of All Tribes’ takeover of Alcatraz island (November 1969 – June 1971).

Host: Jacquelyn Battisse
Producers: Jacquelyn Battisse, Akua Holt, & Polina Vasiliev

Music by Archie roach from the 30th anniversary edition of They took the Children Away

“Todo cambia” by Mercedes Sosa

“Horse” by Eli Sekody

“Time Dreams” by John Trudell